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4112 S College Ave, Suite 112,
Fort Collins, CO 80525

 In-house SAME-DAY Clean & tunes!  
(all brands with appointment)

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat:  9am - 3pm
Sun:  Closed

*** SEVERE Weather - call ahead to make sure we are open.

 In-house SAME-DAY Clean & tunes!  
(all brands with appointment)

Classes taught at The Sewing Circle are created by Sewing Circle staff. These classes can not be copied or taught elsewhere without permission.  2010

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9b. New Serger Owner Classes

For: Singer, Husqvarna-Viking & PFAFF NEW machines only. Learn how to maintain and thread the 4 thread functions of your machine. Tension, stitch length, stitch width, differential, needle use and problems with stitches.

Cost: $ 120.00
Learn to use your serger- 2 & 3 Thread functions. You should take Serger Owner's 1 before taking this class

Cost: $ 120.00
Learn the basics of your new serger: Coverstitch, chainstitch and 5 thread overlock. You should take Owner's 1 & 2 before you take this class

Cost: $ 120.00